Article published in the newspaper “NATIONAL”
on Friday, 17 August 2001, page 5
A Foreman in Bucharest Wants to Overthrow Copernicus'
By Viorel ILISOI
When they have nothing else to do, the Romanians are
geniuses. There is no jumble in the Universe for which they cannot find
its reason, although nobody notices them, and they pass away unknown and
anonymous. From the cigarettes for no smokers, that die down automatically
when lighting them, and up to the sophisticated “flying objects”,
from the TV set that shuts down by itself when you start snoring, and
up to the devices that forecast the earthquakes, in our country everything
has been invented. That is the reason why it does not seem sensational
any more when a car mechanic in Bucharest conceives an apparatus that
highlights the “natural and astronomic phenomena”, a project
laid down under the number 2001-00249/07.03.2001 with the State Office
for Inventions and Trademarks.
The foreman Alexandru Leorda, the intellectual and manual author of the
nine-day’s wonder, wants by all means to overthrow the fundamentals
of astronomy known since Copernicus on. He can prove with his apparatus,
“an absolute world premiere”, that since 500 years the mankind
lives with a colossal scientific error. It is a wooden frame, having in
its middle an iron cement circle (the orbit of Terra) and in the centre
of the circle a night-lamp bulb in the position of the Sun; and on the
round rod, two plastic silvery little globes are fastened, representing
the Earth at aphelion and perihelion. By rotating the circle, the light
of the little bulb falls now on the poles, now on the equator, showing
in this way how the seasons come in turn, and how the marine currents,
the winds are formed, how the rains appear, etc. The apparatus is not
yet named. The cost of the construction was 300,000 Lei, and SOIT (State
Office for Inventions and Trademarks) requires exactly 29,302,408 Lei
to patent it. It happens that the inventor of the astral billiards has
this money, but what about so many other geniuses that are not so lucky
to have the funds to be patented, and there are others that take the bread
out of their mouths! Its conception took about 50 years, as its author
claims, while its construction can be finished in only a few days.
The cyclopaedic, let us call it like that, is not only a trick that moves,
lighted by a bulb, but also an apparatus that revolutionizes our knowledge
about the Universe, sustains Leorda. On turning with the finger the approximate
circle of iron cement and calculating the angle under which light touches
the plastic little globes, the foreman Alexandru Leorda kicks Nicolas
Copernicus three smart blows in the bottom:
- The axle of the Earth is not inclined by 66 degrees
and 33 minutes, as believed up to now, but it is either vertical, or
horizontal, or at 45 degrees (and it is true that the little balls,
as they are fastened with thread, keep those angles);
- The revolution movement of the Earth is not helicoidally.
- The Earth moves on a perfectly round orbit, and not
on an ellipse, as believed up to now, like a ladybird crawling on an
egg. In the car mechanic’s workshop, seeing how the apparatus
reproduces the movement of the Earth, you understand why Copernicus’
book, “About the revolution movements of the heavenly bodies”
(1543) has been put on the black list by the Church between 1616 and
1822: because its assertions were not true! Starting with the age of
9 on to 61, Alexandru Leorda, who is being concerned all day long with
scientific curiosities, conceived this apparatus, with which he hopes
to revolutionize human knowledge.
Until finishing the respective apparatus, which shows the creation mechanisms
of the “natural phenomena as whole and the astronomic ones”,
Leorda invented other oddities too: in 1975 he introduced the method for
repairing through welding the car radiators (until then only the soldering
bit was used exclusively), then he finished an engine that functions even
if petrol is mixed with water, a method to turn to good account rivers
without erecting dams, an anti-drift ship, a multi-functional table for
entertainment (a table like the billiards one, on which about fifteen
interactive games can be played), an air conditioning installation based
on tap water: if you turn on the hot water, it is warm in the house; if
you turn on the cold water, it gets cool, based on the principle of the
car radiator), and many others – that function, but are not patented.
As he has no health problems in his 61st year, Alexandru Leorda hopes
to live long enough to invent also other useful pranks, may be even more
revolutionary than his anti-Copernicus apparatus. |